
osmose collectIve

blockchain ecosystem

new decentralized services for a massive coop revolution

OSMOSE COLLECTIVE's mission is to encourage new forms of cooperation, mutualization and solidarity between individuals, collectives, ngos, communities, cooperatives, companies, start-ups and entrepreneurs. OSMOSE COLLECTIVE is a world wide decentralized cooperative based on Blockchain.


we're building & federating open source apps in a cooperative ecosystem.

events (music, hackathons, meetups, festivals)
with its own ticketing & cashless system accepting cryptocurrencies

common tools for cooperative companies
decentralized marketplace & services

governance tools for commons projects
how to organize a « creative commune »

open bridges between blockchains
blockchains & dapps are invited as delegates

delegates hold & build real future services
an organic ecosystem with concrete projects


2008 to 2016 : experimentations with osmose records

OSMOSE Records organized gigs, tours, festivals for independent artists, producers and organizers in Europe. As a cooperative, it allowed mutualization of tools, professional networks, studios, technical gears, promotion, without any communication tools. It permitted to experiment new ways of cooperations.

2017 - may 2019 : experimentations osmose collective

Devnet launched tech exploration & meetings Teambuilding & Network growth to build a physical ecosystem Start partnership relationships with la Suite du Monde & more ICO canceled to start coding on our own fund OSMOSE Collective structuration (NGO’s creation) Devnet period, private hackathons & development period

  • 21th june 2019 : helloworld osmose

    Launching Alpha version

    Desktop & Mobile Wallet v1 available (iOS, Android, Linux, Mac, Win)

    Tickets & Cashless services beta version

    Partnership with Dev teams, Cooperative Companies, NGOs, Start-ups

    OSMOSE Devnet network running

    Opening Slack invitations & Social network official pages

    Opening Delegate Proposal process (v0 centralized)

    Opening Core Team Hackathons to external developers & students

  • 14th july 2019 : OSMOSE mainnet official launching

    Public Testnet launching with 42 forging nodes alpha version

    Opening of OSMOSE memberships for the general public

    Opening of Bounty program + Application source code

    Desktop & Mobile Wallet v1.1 available (iOS, Android, Linux, Mac, Win)

  • q4 2019 : start community events @ paris

    Starting OSMOSE events (live music, conferences and hackathons)

    Monthly events:

    Les Nuits de l’OSMOSE (music), Microsmose (video)

    Cashless for events beta version

    Webradio Back & animator mode for community members

  • q1 2020 : open coop 3.0 : Step #1

    Paris P2P Festival #1 @ Ground Control, Paris (January 8-12, free)

    First experimentations of Mesh network feature based on Berty Protocol

    Experimentation of blockchain transactions without internet & cellular network

    Webradio & Tickets services full decentralization

    Free Merchant, Shop & Bar cashing software vBeta Decentralized Marketplace (Products, Services…) for OSMOSE

    Decentralized Marketplace (Products, Services…) for OSMOSE Ecosystem

    Global listing of goods and services exchangeable in OSM alpha version

    Governance decentralized Tool for Blockchain Consensus update

    Creation of media & video content presenting the actors of the ecosystem

  • q2 2020 : open coop 3.0 : step #2

    Opening of the Organizer mode (Ticketing) to the public

    Implementation of the "rave" option (0 metadata, and internet-less event)

    Start of work on the cash register software (Bars, Stores...) alpha version

    Start of the inter-Blockchain Blockchain Lab (R&D) (Cosmos, ETH,...)

    Preparation of the first eSport OSMOSE event by the dedicated team

    Ephemeral sub-blockchain operating offline via Berty Protocol

    Free Merchant, Shop & Bar cashing software accepting cryptocurrencies Goal is to help agricultors, little companies, NGO’s, to receive cryptocurrencies

    Bounty program to integrate students

  • q3 2020 : open coop 3.0 : step #3

    Berty Protocol Interoperability

    Integration with the external Blockchain services platform (DAO, etc.) dEX for OSMOSE Ecosystem

    Preparation of partnerships for independent festivals (Music, Arts and Culture)

    P2P Marketplace (Products, Services…)

    MICROSMOSE Festival #1 in Paris, featuring alternative artists and cultures

    Start of the study work on the iWorkerz platform for digital nomads

  • 2021 : New kind of places for Cooperation

    OSMOSE iWorkerz Alpha version :

    Platform for hiring digital workers

    to respond to the significant increase in the number of freelancers

    (developers, videomakers, graphic designers, etc...)

    in a secure and cooperative environment

    promoting sustainable employment and the status of employee partners:

    sharing of governance and revenus

    First step of the network of cooperative physical places

    mixing free co-working, hackerspace, coffee, cooperative offices and event hosting

  • 2022 - 2025 : International Deployment of Physical network

    OSMOSE provides access to places & services

    can rent workplaces, book tickets...

    The upcoming steps of the roadmap will be co-written by the ecosystem
